Beta v1.08


  • Reworked pathfinding for ground-based enemies that do not jump
  • TLDR; uses A* algorithm + when a new path is calculated, store the first step of that path
    • Nodes and edges are generated when room is first loaded
      • Nodes have an "on_ground" variable
      • Nodes that are on ground have edges going left and right (unless there's a wall)
      • Nodes that are not on ground only have edges going directly down
        • these edges have a slightly lower cost
      • Nodes that have springs run a check to see where the spring will send enemies
        • edge is created from spring node to landing node
      • Nodes on slopes generate edges going diagonally
    • Keep a grid of start and destination nodes, and the first step of the path between them
      • Starts empty
      • When a path is requested, check if path has been calculated before
        • If so, get stored first step
        • If not, generate path, and store info
        • If target node is unreachable, mark it as such, and calculate path to nearest node that is reachable
  • Long term, this will allow for more complex combat areas while maintaining performance


  • 8_1 through 8_14


  • Reworked background pattern texture
  • Back wall now moves in parallax






  • UI boxes now have a gold bordered sprite using 9-slice

Files 13 MB
Aug 06, 2021

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